EvoNodes Weekly 6/20/19

4 min readJun 20, 2019

Hello fellow masternode hodlers and EVOlutionaries! Welcome back to another EvoNodes Weekly.

Let’s start off with an update about Beldex, the winner of the last round of voting. It turns out that BDX is a privacy coin, based on the Monero wallet. These coins purposely hide much of the information needed for our highly automated system to properly recognize transactions and read current wallet balances. This is the same problem we ran into when Loki won a round of voting a few months back.

There are many highly technical reasons why we were forced to put Loki on hold. There simply was not enough development time to write the code needed to make these types of coins work properly within our platform, and we certainly did not want to take a step backwards and use spreadsheets.

As you know, our team is fully transparent and honest. So I take full responsibility for not noticing that BDX was also a privacy coin before the vote took place. This one is totally on me, (Smokey).

During our Live AMA, we mentioned some of the things we would be working on over the next few weeks like a news section, and a proper notification system for the website. We will be shifting focus from these, and implementation of LOKI & BDX has taken full priority.

There a few reasons that have lead to this decision. First and foremost we want to stick to our word. Both Beldex and Loki have won their respective rounds of voting fair and square, and we fully intend on listing them. Second, we want Evo to be the first fully automated Shared Masternode service in the world to provide true support for privacy based coins, without depending on spreadsheets.

This is going to take a lot of work and development time. Our developer SharkWipf has been very busy diving into Monero based wallets and the associated code they use. We now estimate it taking approximately 4 weeks to get full support for these privacy coins up and running on our platform.

We will get the news and notifications finished right after we finish with implementing privacy coins. To hold all of our website only users over though, we have added a link to our Medium page onto the menu bar. This will make it easier for the non-Discord users to stay up to date with important information.

Speaking of important information…

After multiple notifications on our discord server, and right here in these Weekly’s, BitKontacts (BKS) has been delisted due to developer inactivity.

ProxyNode (PRX), LiveNodes (LNO), and STRAKS (STAK) have all been placed into, and remain in, Maintenence Mode. STAK, was due to a wallet update, all STAK nodes will soon be back online. I believe 40+ are back already and the rest should be back online tomorrow. LNO also had a wallet update, several actually, and we are expecting those nodes to be back online in the coming days. PRX nodes are all online and earning rewards, however they are still showing as offline. We are working with the PRX devs to find a fix, and will update you all as soon as we have one.

Our KYD verification is officially underway! We are in contact with Doniva and Cryptonaldo from the KYD team. We are looking forward to being able to make the official announcements very soon!

To coincide with our KYD verification, we have updated #meet-the-team (formerly called #about-us) to include mine & Tech’s LinkedIn profiles. Also, you may notice some channels have been renamed and/or moved around. The goal here was to make the flow of joining the server smoother and learning how to use the server a bit clearer, in order to maximum efficiency for everyone.

One of our amazing community members, @Censed, has made a video about EvoNodes! This is a tutorial/introduction video made for the Spanish speaking community. We really appreciate it when the community takes it upon themselves to do things like this, it shows just how amazing you all really are!



Discord Members: 1023
Live Masternodes: 1283
Active Invested Users: 965

That is going to wrap it up for this week! As always, hodl hard & stay safe out there in cryptoland!


