Side Project

2 min readJan 22, 2021

Hello everyone! Smokey here from and I have something I would like to share with you today!

While our developer SharkWipf has been super busy putting the finishing touches on Evonodes 2.0, and Tech is SUPER busy being a new daddy to his beautiful baby, I have been left to process withdraws and maintain masternodes on the daily. This leaves me with quite a bit of free time, considering I have yet to return to work due to Covid-19 🙁

So, rather than sit around and go mad, I decided to build something. With an update about Evonodes 2.0 right around the corner, I thought now would be a great time to unveil my little project. is now taking orders! We have all kinds of crypto related items like souvenir coins, phone cases, T-Shirts, canvas wall art, and cool glow in the dark keychains! 🤩

I created a coupon as a special thank you to all of our current supporters that decide to make a purchase. Use the coupon code EVO40K at checkout for an extra 10% off your entire purchase.

This is a solo project for me outside of Evo, so I understand if you have already stopped reading. However, since I am new to this, having a few purchases will help me to work out any wrinkles in the shipping process, so if you do make a purchase please bear with me.

As always, Thank You so much for your support! It really does mean the world to me and the rest of the team! Hope to see you in our Discord chat!

Your faithful masternode maintainer,

